Building Trust for Fairer Health in Gloucestershire

The vision behind HCT is that everyone in Gloucestershire has the same opportunities to enjoy wellbeing and health. This is not the case now.

Realising this vision requires people, sectors and organisations to pull together and share resources in new ways and this takes time and trust. It also requires a radical new way of working together where we get to the root of the problem rather than sticking plasters over it.

The movement has already started in Gloucestershire – this is not new, HCT itself is not trailblazing a radical approach.  You are.  We aim to provide a focal point, an organising energy, along with support and resources to energise, catalyse and nurture a way of partnering founded on trust.  Over time our vision is that this is the way we all expect and enjoy working together in Gloucestershire – not the exception.  This requires a change that will come about as a result of all of us adopting a belief that this is the route to a real and lasting change. 

Fairer health is our common goal, building trust is the way we get there.

We’d love to hear from you.

HCT Gloucestershire is funded by The Kings Fund and the National Lottery Community Foundation. This funding is held by Barnwood Trust.

A Stewardship Group, made up of representatives from Health, Local Government, the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and funders, is responsible for creating and modelling the leadership and management conditions for HCT to be successful. It reports to Gloucestershire’s Enabling Active Communities and Individuals (EAC-I) partnership that is ultimately responsible for the work.


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